Refreshing Disney Treats - Plaza Ice Cream Parlour (Vegan)

Saturday, June 8, 2013

These treats were very much needed!

Here's the sitch: Frontierland, Magic Kingdom. Our mom waiting in direct sun during the middle of the day (about 30 degrees C) for about 50 minutes waiting to get a picture of Caitlin and I riding down Splash Mountain. 

Needless to say she was about to pass out by the time we reached her. 

We quickly made our way to Main Street, U.S.A, Magic Kingdom in search of some refreshments. And Plaza Ice Cream Plaza sure did deliver!!

We picked up the Raspberry No Sugar Added Sorbet for our Momma in the kid's size - it's too cute to resist and she looooves chocolate - while we went for a mixed double scoop Tofutti - that's a scoop of chocolate and vanilla.

We took our treats to the Tomorrowland Terrace which is literally our favourite place to catch a reprieve from the crowds. You get a full view of Cinderella's castle plus the Tomorrowland ambiance! 

You have NO idea how badly I wish I could be there right now, like seriously! We're talking a BIG Disney fan right here and now a big fan of Tofutti frozen dessert!

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